This drill requires 3 people and is a great way to condition basketball players of all ages.
Start with 2 basketballs on the floor, one on each side of the key. Player should start in the middle of the key, close to the basket. On start player picks up one of the balls and quickly goes to the hoop, without dribbling, and shoots the ball. Then player should pick up the other ball, on the other side of the key, and quickly go up for the shot. After shooting the second ball the first ball should be back in it's place (2 people should assist getting the balls after they are shot and putting them back on the key.) Player should continue to go back and forth, picking up the balls, and rising to the basket. Have player use his/her right hand when shooting the ball on the right and use their left hand when shooting the ball on the left.
This drill can be performed non-stop for approximately 30-60 seconds.